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Buchae, a Korean traditional fan made of bamboo and hanji, is more than just for cooling and blocking the sun. Our ancestors used to draw or write a poem on the fan as a decorative item. The king in Goryeo dynasty, would present people with special Dano fans made by artisans. Buchae was often gifted symbolizing ones gratitude, and now you can continue this tradition for those you appreciate.

A meaningful gift with Korean history
On the holiday of Dano (단오, 端午), the king in Goryeo dynasty, would present people with special Dano fans made by artisans.
Hyunjoo Kim's forest breeze collection was made with handmade hanji from the artisan in Jeonju, Korea, and hand dyed by the artist, one by one. The bamboo on the fan was harvested and crafted by the artisan in South Korea and later trimmed by the artist herself.
This beautifully handcrafted Korean traditional fan is a meaningful gift since the ancient time in our Korean history.

Forest Breeze - Four seasons
Her Frost Breeze collection represents four seasons. This fan resembles a tree. Trees during the four seasons show distinct characteristics. A pink fan is a tree with cherry blossom. A green fan is a tree in the summer. A yellow fan is a ginkgo tree with yellow leaves in the fall. A white fan is a tree with snow. The artist dyed hanji, Korean traditional paper that is unique in its texture and durability. Hanji is a paper that our ancestors in Korea used. It is made out of the fibers from Korean mulberry trees. This free standing fan can be used as a hand fan, blocking sunlight or even as a decorative object at home.

Handmade Hanji
Hanji, the traditional paper that is made out of the fiber of the Korean mulberry trees, was produced by the artisan in Jeonju, South Korea and hand dyed by the artist.

Maplewood Handle
The artist uses two different woods. The maple wood for the handle and bamboos for the framework of the fan layered with hanji

Art Meets Craft
Her philosophy has been to combine quality material with a craft-driven approach to be able to be practical and artistic at the same time
Hyunjoo Kim
HyunJoo Kim, the founder of KHJ studio, is an artist and a designer focused on sculpture, installation, and craft-related lifestyle items.
Forest Breeze Collection
숲 속을 걷다 보면 기분 좋게 선선한 바람, 나뭇잎들이 부딪히며 만드는 평화롭고 시원한 소리에 더위도 식히고 마음도 편안한 순간을 경험해 본적이 있을 것이다.
숲에서 부는 바람, 한지부채는 사람들이 한번씩 경험해 보았을 만한 기분 좋은 순간을 시각적, 기능적으로 반영한 부채이다.
전주의 한지 장인이 뜬 수제 한지, 직접 대나무를 키우고 다듬는 부채 장인 만든 부채살과 선면, 김현주 작가가 염색한 한지와 직접 다듬은 손잡이가 더해져 완성되었다. 촘촘한 대나무살에 한지를 여러 겹 붙여 빳빳한 부채는 내구성이 좋을 뿐 아니라 적은 힘으로도 시원한 바람을 일으켜 준다.
나무를 형상화한 디자인으로 크기와 비례감이 다른 부채들 모아두면 숲과 같은 시각적 경험을 제공한다. 흰색, 분홍색, 녹색, 노란색으로 사계절 나무에서 볼 수 있는 색감을 담았다.
또한, 거치대 없이 스스로 세워지게 디자인하여 인테리어 오브제로써 사용할 수도 있다.